
Keeping Children Safe

Safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.

At Castleway our pupils’ welfare is our paramount concern.  The governing body will ensure that Castleway safeguards and promotes the welfare of pupils and work together with other agencies to ensure that we have adequate arrangements to identify, assess and support those children who are suffering or likely to suffer harm. The following is a summary of our safeguarding in practice:

  • All staff are DBS checked as part of the recruitment procedures and are made aware of our safeguarding policies & procedures during their induction.
  • All staff annually attend face to face safeguarding training as part of their INSET and have on-going regular updates in response to the needs of the children. They also complete Prevent on-line safeguarding training.
  • When conducting every recruitment process, at least one member of Staff who has attended the Safer Recruitment training would always be on the panel.
  • All visitors to school are signed in at reception and accompanied by a member of staff whilst in school. Regular visitors who have been DBS checked and completed full induction do not always have a member of staff with them.
  • Visiting professionals/supply staff are asked to show photographic identification prior to entering school and their DBS details would be confirmed by their employer.
  • All adults who collect children from school at any point in the school day must be on the contact list in the office or have an agreed arrangement with staff before they leave.
  • The SMSC and RSE curriculum teaches children how to look after themselves and to keep safe and identifies safe adults beyond the family to confide in at times of distress or identified danger
  • E-Safety is taught within the Computing curriculum and RSE with regular reminders and is continually referred back to during a variety of lessons and assemblies
  • All staff employed by Castleway focus on the well-being of the children and are aware of the need to listen to and respect the views of all.
  • A first day response is in place for all children that are absent from school. This would be a phone call home, followed by a home visit if required.
  • Prevent Radicalisation and Extremism is part of training for staff and encouraging British Values is part of the curriculum at Castleway.

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Castleway North,
Wirral, CH46 1RN


Mrs. K. Kay Business Manager


Mrs. J. McCarthy SENDCo


We are a Federation of 2 schools: In September 2022, Castleway Nursery School joined Castleway Primary School on the same site after significant refurbishment works from the Local Authority.